Cat Breeds 101: Serengeti

Cat Breeds 101 - Serengeti
Cat Breeds 101: Serengeti – Image To Repin / Share
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The Serengeti is a breed of feline that is created by crossing the Oriental shorthair and the Bengal breeds. It was developed by a professional biologist named Karen Sausman.

Serengetis are spotted cats with long legs. This breed usually comes in a variety of colors. Some are yellow, gold, solid black, gray and silver. The coat of this breed is usually tight, short and silky.

They are also noted for their large ears, which are usually round-tipped. Also, they have a large set of eyes, which may either be gold, green, or amber in color. [1]. Furthermore, the males are usually heavier and larger than female serengetis. A male Serengeti weighs between 10 to 15 pounds, while their female counterpart weighs between 8-12 pounds.

In most cases, Serengeti cats are very friendly. They can slightly be reserved or shy when introduced into a new location, but when they get used to their new owners, they can be very companionable. They will want to help their owners in each of their endeavors. The breed is also playful, lively and talkative.

Known to be highly active and agile cats, Serengeti cats love to run around the house at full speed. They tend to go to higher places around the house. Also, they can live well with other pets, especially when introduced properly. [2] In fact, they can play and chase toys for several hours.

Serengeti cats are also highly adaptable. They can go well with singles, as well as those with large families. Research also shows that this breed seemed to have acquired some of the attributes of its ancestors. They are known to be intelligent, companionable, and of course, affectionate. When its owner sits down, it will play the part of a lap cat.

Though they suit best living indoors, they may need to be in areas with large areas in order to for them to play. They can also live outdoors, however the area should be safe and escape-free.

With regards health, Serengeti cats are often robust. Unlike other breeds of felines, there is no specific health issues listed for the Serengeti. But just like other cats, it is important that Serengeti cats acquire adequate nutrition, and sufficient supply of fresh water. Regular visits to a veterinarian are also essential. [3]


Serengeti Cat Video: